leadership – America's Service Sales Coach https://www.contractorsalescoach.com "What should we do?" Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:09:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 The Zen of Self Leadership: 8 Principles To Live By https://www.contractorsalescoach.com/the-zen-of-self-leadership-8-principles-to-live-by/ Thu, 22 Oct 2015 14:18:52 +0000 http://www.contractorselling.com/blog/?p=2728

Let me break it down nice and easy for you…

You are a leader.

And in order for you to obtain the happiness, freedom and success you desire and deserve for you, your business and your family, you need to embody the 8 key principles of self-leadership I’m about to show you.

Self-leadership is your ability to lead yourself towards achieving outcomes and goals you set for yourself and your business usb downloaden. You might be saying, well this leadership stuff doesn’t apply to me, but even if you don’t have a business yet or aren’t in a leadership position… It does.

Because without leading yourself first, how can you effectively lead your life?

How can you take care of your family and children if you aren’t taking care yourself?

How can you expect to lead others to help you achieve the results you want from your business, if you aren’t setting the example youtube videos for free ipad?

Most importantly, how can you lead and live the life you deserve?

Here’s the simple truth…

Self-leadership is your ability to masterfully lead yourself so you can create the success you want for yourself, your family, your business and your life.

When it comes right down to it there are 8 simple yet powerful core principles to masterful self-leadership.

  1. Embody your Brilliant Obsession
  2. Be responsible and accountable for your actions and reactions
  3. Develop self-awareness in all areas of you life
  4. Cultivate EQ Emotional Intelligence
  5. Be financially responsible
  6. Be physically healthy
  7. Create the goals, systems and habits to succeed
  8. Take Right Action

If you’re not achieving the life you want, odds are it’s on you.

I’ve heard countless stories from clients who don’t get how these 8 simple principles apply to their ability to lead themselves and others kostenlose spiele herunterladen offline. Instead they assign blame to everyone else.

Here is a short list of some of my favorite tales:

  • A father who states his children don’t know how to communicate , even though he has a hard time communicating with them.
  • An manager who bemoans that his team is underperforming, even though he is the one in charge of their performance.
  • A leader who can’t understand why his projects are always over budget, even though he sets the budget.
  • A husband who doesn’t understand why his wife doesn’t have energy at the end of the day, when he doesn’t have any energy either.
  • A business owner who doesn’t understand why his team cannot complete goals on time, even though he has poor time management skills.

Many issues, which you might claim are someone else’s problems, are really your challenges and if you correct your behavior, you will see dramatic and powerful changes in your life.

As the leader of your life and business, you need to develop your self-leadership and model the behaviors and traits you desire from the people around you.

This is not do as I say, not as do time.

If you want to get the most out of yourself and your business, you need to walk to the talk and lead yourself first.

8 Core Principles of Self-Leadership

  1. Embody your Brilliant Obsession: Embodying your purpose and your grand vision for your life and business or the deep why and what you want for your life is crucial to your success. By knowing precisely what your Brilliant Obsession is you can more easily accomplish your goals, objectives and desired future. And on the flip side if you are fuzzy or unclear on what’s most important to your life and business, how can you expect anyone around you to fully support you in achieving it?
  2. Be responsible and accountable for your actions and reactions: Take ownership of your decisions, actions and outcomes. You are in a position of power. Playing the blame game is easy and there is no place for it in your life. You always have a choice in how you react to any situation.
  3. Develop self-awareness in all areas of your life: Get to know your habits, the good and the bad. Understand your underlying beliefs and behaviors. Know which ones are strengths, which ones are challenges and which ones sabotage your Brilliant Obsession.
  4. Cultivate Emotional Intelligence (EQ): This ties right in with self-awareness and is crucial to all of your interactions. When you learn to manage and regulate your emotions you increase your confidence, you communicate with more passion and your relationships are more fulfilling.
  5. Be financially responsible: You know money plays a huge role in your life and, if you allow, money can dictate many of your actions or inactions.  Understanding your personal finances and knowing how they interplay with your business and life is crucial to self-leadership and success.
  6. Be physically healthy: Diet and physical fitness impact every emotion, thought, action and outcome. What you put in your body and your level of activity directly affects your brain chemistry and energy which determines your moods, energy and the ability to get important work done, spend time with your kids and do the things you love to do.
  7. Create goals, systems and habits to succeed: Without goals, systems and habits, you are nothing but a rudderless ship afloat in the ocean of life. To be successful, you must establish goals, systems and habits which move you forward. You must break bad habits and instill great habits. And you must use systems that push you out of your comfort zone towards your Brilliant Obsession.
  8. Take Right Action: Take focused action immediately and effectively to get the powerful results which move you towards your goals. Always take action that results in getting things “to done” or implemented. And execute on the work which moves you and your business forward the fastest.

It all starts with you.

And you can do this.

Because, you were born to be great.

You were born to lead.

You are here to succeed.

So don’t delay, because your life precious and those around you (family, friends, employees, etc…) deserve the best of you.

Lead Yourself First

Images Courtesy: Zach Dischner
