income – America's Service Sales Coach "What should we do?" Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:09:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Is Total Immersion?… It’s No Magic Wand! [VIDEO] Wed, 15 Jun 2016 03:28:27 +0000 beiträge ndr mediatheken

The Total Immersion Sales Summit is not a magic wand.  The magic starts inside of you by having the passion to perform Pure Motive Service for your clients, your company, and your family.  Watch this video to learn “What Is Total Immersion?”

  • STEP 1: Download your FREE 2016 Fall Training Planner CLICK HERE
  • STEP 2: Choose the people who need to improve their results
  • STEP 3: CLICK HERE to sign up for a Total Immersion Summit



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If Tony Soprano Was Your Sales Manager Thu, 25 Mar 2010 15:59:17 +0000 Your Sales “Boss”

I remember the not so distant “good old days” when I made sure that I was home every Sunday night to watch one of my favorite shows. You would have to be from Mars to not know of or remember the HBO hit show The Sopranos which featured an inside look at some of the “alleged” New Jersey mob figures urenregistratie excel for free.

I know it seems like this is a product of the twisted mind of a sales consultant who has been on the road for a few weeks too long. But one evening while watching a re-run of the show, I began to think hmmm…

What if Tony Soprano was your sales manager ?

I realize that there “Is No Mafia” as every Italian family member has told me so passionately. I also know that crime doesn’t pay in the long run and by all means I don’t wish to glorify any illegal enterprise, but let’s face facts fortnite kostenlos herunterladen ps4. Business is business. So in that spirit, let’s think about what would happen if “T” was guiding you on your path to sales success.

I wonder how he would address these sales challenges?

1 google mailen. Sales Person tells Tony that he lost a sale and that he is depressed. – ” Business is business. ” He would say, “ Feh-get about it ! “ I think he would also add, “What’s wit you ? Work is no place to get your needs met, so stop your whining and get back to being the earner ( Person who brings the boss the money each week ) you’ve always been for me capisce ? “ ( Do you understand ? )

2. Sales Person Wants Tony To Lower The Price To Get The Job I think “T” wouldn’t put up with that one for sure. He would probably say something like, “ Whoa, ( The reaction that any guy from New Jersey has when he is surprised by what he hears ) what do you think I am Fort Knox ? Grow some stugots (testicles) and learn how to handle objections before I have some friends of ours ( Other people in the mob ) visit you (Harm you in some way) and take you for a swim. ” ( Throw you in the ocean off the back of my boat “Stugots” with cinder blocks chained around your ankles. )

3. Sales Person Asks For Loan To get Them By Until Next Paycheck Ouch, I can barely stand to watch this one. “ Hey what are you oobatz ? ( Are you crazy ? ) What am I a shylock ? (Loan shark) Maybe if you wasn’t such a mortadella, (derived from an Italian sausage, meaning a loser. As in ” Guy’s a mortadella. “ ) you could provide for your family by getting some referrals from your customers and stop acting like such a cafone. ” (a peasant or lower-class person)

4. Sales Person Blames Lack of Sales On the Weather “ This thing of ours ( The business of the mob ) only works if you work it. I don’t care if it’s caldo (cold) or boliente (hot) outside. Stop acting like your mezzo morta (Half dead) and just bring your tribute (The money) in like we agreed or I’m gonna have to lower your points (change your commission percentage) and do some spring cleaning (Get rid of evidence that you ever existed) around here.

Would Tony Soprano Succeed?

Actually, I think Tony would have some good attributes along with his obvious dysfunctions as a manager. His organization values revolve around ” taking care of our own “ which indicates his loyalty to giving people a chance as long as they are loyal and give their best effort.

I think that  Tony understands perfectly clear that even though you may be a “ made man “ that your crew can still make or break you.

Also, Tony would do a great job of delegating responsibility, distancing himself from the action and not meddle in how the sausage gets made just so long as it gets made. In fact he could literally watch the sausage get made as he sat outside the Pork store with Pauly and the gang, but instead he is found sipping a coffee and relaxing while others do the work.

Even though this article was written tongue in cheek, you as an underboss (Sales Manager) can still learn a few lessons.

Remember, col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta. ( An old Italian saying meaning, “Time and patience will change the mulberry leaf into satin.”)

Ciao, ciao for now !

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CASE STUDY: A Fateful Meeting for an Expert Salesman Sun, 07 Mar 2010 23:13:09 +0000 A Fateful Meeting For Sales Expert

Rick Picard walked curiously into the company’s sales meeting. His company had hired a consultant to help sales reps increase their revenues. A top performer and no stranger to seven-figure annual sales, Picard was not required to go ostergrüße 2020 kostenlos downloaden deutsch. But he went anyway. After the meeting, Picard knew his life was going to change.

A Webster, MA, native, Picard began his career doing plumbing repairs and installations after he completed trade school. Picard worked hard to support his wife, Monika, and their four daughters, Ashley, Austin, Gabrielle and Kaitlin. The family moved to Coventry, RI more than 10 years ago herunterladen.

In 2003, he had the opportunity to join Lincoln, RI,-based Gem Plumbing & Heating’s residential service team.

For six years, Picard has been a successful sales manager at Gem. From 2003 to 2005, Picard estimates that he was selling as much as $2 million annually, which is more than three times the industry average.

From Good To Great

But in 2005, Picard met his future life coach and found even greater success herunterladen.

As part of a sales initiative, the management team at Gem hired a consultant, Joe Crisara, who had been generating buzz in the plumbing and heating industry.

Crisara flew out to Rhode Island from his home in Los Angeles, CA, to begin working with the team at Gem. Picard distinctly recalls having the right to “pass” on attending download mp3 cheaply. After all, Picard reasoned, he really was a hot-shot salesman, and what could this consultant teach him?

“The Ring Of Truth”

“If a person want to perform at his best possible level, he never really stops looking at how to become better, how to get that critical edge,” says Picard. “Sure, I had some tremendous success, certainly better than the average salesperson, but I also knew that you might learn something new that will make an impact.”

So he went to hear Joe Crisara youtube video herunterladen website.

Picard, who has been to more than a dozen sales trainings, was immediately convinced that Crisara had something to offer.

“When I heard Joe talk, it had a ring of truth,” Picard says.” When I heard him explaining there was a better way to do this, I could tell this was someone who really knew what he was talking about,” says Picard.

Crisara began working intensively with the company. He accompanied the contractors, including Picard this time, during their sales and service calls. Crisara identified individual habits, patterns and pitfalls. He trained the contractors on his proven sales method and helped each person master the technique.

“When I used to go to a sales call, I had my own little system and didn’t really listen to the customer,” says Picard. “What Joe’s system does is allow me to be a student of the customer. I was able to have the customer tell me needs, wants and interests, and I was able to modify my solutions to tailor them,” says Picard.

A Dramatic Improvement

Since working with Crisara, Picard started spending more time listening to customers and offering more premium products. And, yes, the results were dramatic. His sales have over doubled from $2 million to $5 million annually with higher profit margins and have remained steady.

Other sales and service representatives have experienced similar results.

Taze Picard, Rick’s brother, also works at Gem Plumbing & Heating. Since working with Crisara, Taze’s sales have more than tripled from $600,000 to more than $2 million annually.

“Joe fine-tunes us,” is how Picard describes what occurs. “You can teach someone the best habits, but by staying in constant contact with a coach, he keeps you focused on where you are going to be. Joe is a master communicator,” says Picard.

The Rewards Are Obvious

Since doubling his sales, Picard’s income too has doubled. He said working with Crisara has improved his home life and put him in a better position to support his wife and daughters. Picard adds that his family is also grateful to Crisara.

“Joe is a life changer for me. Because of him, I can take better care of my family,” says Picard.

The two have formed a friendship and meet several times each month. Picard has attended Crisara’s “Total Immersion Seminar” twice and describes Crisara as a master communicator, life coach and friend.

“One of the best things about Joe is he is sincere and compassionate,” Picard says.” It brings him joy to see others around him succeed. The happiest moment for him is seeing someone he’s helped do better.”

It’s been four years since the fateful meeting that changed Picard’s life. When asked if he will continue to work with Crisara, his answer is simple: “As long as he’ll have me.”

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