ego – America's Service Sales Coach "What should we do?" Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:09:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tech Falls Into Customer’s Trap – Literally! Thu, 31 Oct 2019 08:00:38 +0000

Man On a Mission

Gerry was a technician on a mission. He was going to try to break the company record for doing the most calls (14) in one day. This day seemed like the perfect storm where everything was in place to set the record download firefox for free german.

The boss told him at 7 a.m. that they were swamped with tune-ups and no cooling calls and it was 95 degrees and relative humidity of 87% today. These were just the kind of conditions that would keep the calls rolling in to break the record.

The day started off great. He was on his third call by 9:30 a.m canon print appen. with the first two calls being A/C tune-ups where nothing was wrong and each call only took around 35 minutes. At 9:35 he received a call from the dispatcher saying that the first call he did now had no cooling. Gerry was livid. This was going to screw up the record for sure.

Headed For a Fall

He quickly finished up the call he was on and hurried back to the first call Download streams with firefox. Gerry knew this customer always wanted him to use the side door when entering the home so off he went. When he got to the side door, it was wide open. He figured this meant to just come in a start working.

Gerry, still in a major hurry, and with the prospect of doing more than 14 calls in his head, shouted, “Anybody hooooooommmmme?” Oooomph!! vimeo for free! As he walked through the doorway and stepped into a 5-foot trap door that lead to the crawlspace where the customer was getting some garden hoses out for the summer. Gerry caught himself with his left arm as he fell into the trap door opening. He then dropped 5 feet where he laid on top of the garden hoses with a disconnected left shoulder cut pattern shirt ladies free. He began screaming in excruciating pain, every four-letter word known to man! **&@#!!!^*!!

Poor Gerry, There he lay, on the crawlspace floor, wreathing in pain while the customer on his hands and knees recoiled in horror, not two feet away, thanking his lucky stars that Gerry did not fall on him. The customer went upstairs and called the paramedics who took Gerry to the hospital for treatment.

Too Busy To Fail?

Gerry’s company was too busy to send a replacement out to the job or to even get his truck. The truck sat there on the street with the windows open while in rained into Gerry’s truck all night long. All of Gerry’s tools and paperwork were trashed from the water. The customer meanwhile called another company who correctly diagnosed the problem. It turned out the customer had a condensing fan motor that was going off on overload and the customer knew the unit wasn’t working right when he called Gerry’s company for a tune-up.

The customer then called to complain to Gerry’s company for exposing his kids to all the swearing that Gerry did in the crawlspace and also complained that Gerry had ‘ripped him off’ by charging him $49 for a tune-up where he couldn’t find a bad fan motor. He also stopped his check for the $49 payment.

What do you think this customer will tell his friends about Gerry and his company?

Lessons Learned:

Mistakes Gerry, his boss and all of us can learn from:

  1. The only call that is important is the call he is on now. Don’t worry about any future or past calls.
  2. His boss telling the team that they’re swamped takes focus away from performing higher quality.
  3. Gerry thought the company valued speed over quality, reliability & customer service.
  4. Is great service performed by doing more calls? Or by doing more work on fewer calls?
  5. Why is the dispatcher calling Gerry while he is on a job to tell him of his past failure?
  6. If you are going to set a record. Set one for providing the best solutions.

Do yourself a favor and go ahead and share this with your techs before they start running from call to call like Gerry.

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Feed Your Ego Or Your Wallet Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:10:45 +0000 Your Ego Or Your Wallet

One of the biggest weaknesses ineffective salespeople have is their desire to “look good” in front of their customer citrix receiver for free. If only this desire to feed the ego was as great as the desire to feed their wallet, life would be very different for these “happy losers.”

A Happy Loser acrobat reader kostenlos downloaden windows 7?

I use this term because it perfectly describes the salesperson who is happy to look good even if it means no sale. The need to look smart and sharp to a prospect is more important than getting the result they want herunterladen. Their success and their income suffer greatly because of it.

So make your choice right here and now. Do you want to feed your ego or your wallet?

A. I want to feed my ego.

B. I want to feed my wallet.

You Can’t Do Both

Are the two mutually exclusive? You bet they are. A job where you must sell your services is no place to get your emotional needs met. It is just a place you go to get paid. Selling requires far too much focus and concentration to worry about anything else other than getting a buyer to say yes.

What if you did the opposite of trying to look smart to your customer and instead used a technique I call the “dummy up?” This technique amounts to you acting like you missed something the customer said, which gets them to expand on their thoughts and essentially makes the customer sell you on what they want.

Here are some examples of effective “dummy up” situations:


THEM: I don’t even really like air conditioning.

YOU: I’m sorry, Fred. I had no idea. The office told me you wanted it fixed. Well, let’s not waste anyone’s time, Fred. Should I cancel the call?

THEM: No, wait a minute. We can’t cancel. My wife would kill me if I didn’t get this fixed today before she comes home.


THEM: We had XYZ Company out here working on this before.

YOU: I didn’t know that, John. Hey, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. Would you feel more comfortable just calling them back?

THEM: God no! We had nothing but trouble with XYZ and I would never use them again.


THEM: I think we want to go with option number 3.

YOU: Really! I didn’t think you would ever like that one. Why do you like it so much?

THEM: Well, it has a better warranty and it comes with better service. I like that.

YOU: Okay. What should we do?

THEM: Let’s get the work done now.

Make your customer think you need to be educated on why they are buying from you and it will work wonders. As for my question above, I will tell you that I have already made my decision and my wallet is a lot fatter because of it.

Don’t let your ego get the best of you. Just dummy up and sell more!
